
32 Game Reviews

9 w/ Responses

i like the squiggly style

* sound
* preview next piece
* display PAUSE when paused
* some kind of reward for doing well. An animation or something.
* make the graphics even more squiggly by using a two frame animation for each piece. maybe just when it's falling if this causes a performance hit.

Anyway, it has potential. Thanks for the submission

Well executed

I like the style. However the game didn't hold my attention either. It would have been more interesting if there was new stuff introduced as you play. Maybe more monsters or levels. Maybe a reason to get them to fight. new objects. backgrounds. just something....


Nice music

My kid was danced to it.

Needs sound

Very good! Reminds me of Qix.

... 'cept qix had sound.


Interesting game.

I found drag much more enjoyable than toss. I didn't feel like I had as much "control" with toss.

Consider fixing the error in the instructions. "Dammaged" has one "m". Sentences should begin with an uppercase letter...

Some reward for beating the game would be nice. Some SFX and animation.

Thanks for the game!

Alphabit responds:

LOL one M really, lol i shoudl re-check that, its one of those spelling mistakes that you tend to think as correct, a bad habbit.
Yeah i prefer the Drag mode too.

It was a little fun

It has potential as a the basis of a game. You'd need levels and graphics and objectives and such.

You need instructions. It isn't obvious why the game ends, or what the point is.

Alphabit responds:

Yes, i see what you mean, it's still only an interaction, but odly enough i've already found a way to make a game out of it.
i could make that ball a spaceship, and i have to make the spaceship travel across the screen (outer space) by the means of this click-and-let-go feature, i could then make it navigate obsticles, add weapons to blast down some of those obsticles etc...


Gavin rocks! I likes him.

The cartoony characters are great. Gavin is a great character, just wanting to have fun, and playing the game his way.

Anyway, the only constructive critisms I have are:
1. Gavin doesn't see to roll right. He starts his jump orientated up and down, and then starts to roll for no apparent reason. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but it's distracting to me. Why did he start rolling? If he's going to roll, he should leave the ground with a slight roll, then tuck his limbs so he would roll faster in the middle of the jump. Anyway, please forgive my nitpicking.

2. Some of the background graphics aren't tiled together perfectly. There's some overlap or breaks. More nitpicking from me.

3. The only challenge is the boss. It's fustrating to play the whole game over just to replay the boss. If the boss kills you, I suggest starting the player over at the boss.

Thanks for the game!

Very Nice job

Nice minimalist style. I like the background graphics and the music. The flying blocks that can be destroyed is a nice touch.

The only suggestions I have are:
- if there's any way to capture the mouse when it leaves the screen, that would be great. If not, maybe pause the game if the mouse leaves the screen, or reaches the border. It's quite fustrating when the mouse eventually drifts off the playing screen and control is lost.

- when there are a lot of explosions, the game starts to slow on my 3Ghz PC. It might be worthwhile to disable the cosmetic graphics like the background and the schrapnel when there is a LOT of activity. Maybe there's some way to use a timer to tell if the game is slowing down.

Resolving those two above issues would make the game 100% professional. Great job! I'm really impressed!

Awesome but Fustrating

Great game! This and Exmortis2 are really gems! The art work is beautiful and the puzzles are fun. The story is wonderful. The fiction is great too.

As of 4/6/2006, the game is broken. The celler door would not open for me. After an hour of fustration, clicking on everything, I finally read the walkthrough and found I had already done everything in the walkthrough. I found all the symbols. I read all the books. I talked to the dead child. Still the celler door would not open.

I finally quit the game, and started it over again. This time I followed all the actions in the order presented in the walkthrough and could finally get through the celler door.

Please consider fixing the game, or at least warn people that they may end up stuck.


Pretty but not much of a game

Very nice looking.
Win every time by just saving up SP and using Fatality.


Joined on 3/6/06

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